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==== Aelii Volusi ====
==== Aelii Volusi ====

* [[Quintus Aelius Volusus|Q. Aelius Volusus]], One of the first Senators, one of the first patricians, creator of the website, creator of shared payments, advocate for Republican Reforms and citizenship representation.
* [[Quintus Aelius Volusus|Q. Aelius Volusus]], First Aelia genspater, One of the first Senators, one of the first patricians, creator of the website, creator of shared payments, advocate for Republican Reforms and citizenship representation.

=== In Ancient Rome ===
=== In Ancient Rome ===

Revision as of 12:12, 22 February 2022

The Gens Aelia, was historically a plebeian family in Ancient Rome, which flourished from the fifth century BC until at least the third century AD, a period of nearly eight hundred years.

Under the empire the Aelian name became still more celebrated. It was the name of the emperor Hadrian, and consequently of the Antonines, whom he adopted. A number of landmarks built by Hadrian also bear the name Aelius.

In the Imperivm Romanvm, this gens has been revived by founder Quintus Aelius Volusus. Aelius Volusus is also the current genspater of gens Aelia[note 1].


In the Imperivm we do not restrict which praenomina a civis can have, however there are still common and more generally accepted praenomina for a given nomen.

The Aelii (people of gens Aelia) regularly used the praenomina:

  • Publius
  • Sextus
  • Quintus
  • Lucius

Stirpes and Cognomina

In the Imperivm Romanvm the most prominent and prestigious branch of gens Aelia is Stirpes Aelia Volusa- Headed by genspater Q. Aelius Volusus. This is a founding branch of the Imperivm carries a lot of Imperium, prestige, and responsibility.

Traditionally, in the Ancient Rome, family-names and surnames of the Aelia gens are:

  • Catus
  • Gallus
  • Gracilis
  • Lamia
  • Ligur
  • Paetus
  • Staienus
  • Stilo
  • Tubero
  • Bala
  • Lamia
  • Paetus
  • Sejanus

Notable Members

In the Imperivm Romanvm

Aelii Volusi

  • Q. Aelius Volusus, First Aelia genspater, One of the first Senators, one of the first patricians, creator of the website, creator of shared payments, advocate for Republican Reforms and citizenship representation.

In Ancient Rome

Aelii Paeti

  • Publius Aelius, one of the first plebeian quaestors, in 409 BC.
  • Publius Aelius Paetus, consul in 337 BC, and one of the first plebeian augurs in 300 BC.
  • Lucius Aelius Paetus, plebeian aedile in 296 BC.
  • Gaius Aelius Paetus, consul in 286 BC.
  • Quintus Aelius Paetus, a pontifex who fell in the Battle of Cannae, 216 BC. He had been a candidate for the consulship that year.
  • Publius Aelius Q. f. Paetus, a well-known jurist, consul in 201 BC.
  • Sextus Aelius Q. f. Paetus Catus, an eminent jurist, consul in 198 BC.
  • Quintus Aelius P. f. Q. n. Paetus, praetor in 170 BC, and consul in 167.
  • Publius Aelius Paetus, triumvir monetalis in 138 BC.

Aelii Tuberones

  • Publius Aelius Tubero, praetor in 201 and 177 BC.
  • Quintus Aelius Tubero, tribune of the plebs in 194 BC, proposed the establishment of colonies among the Bruttii and Thurii, and appointed a commissioner for the foundation of the latter colony.
  • Quintus Aelius Tubero, served under his father-in-law, Lucius Aemilius Paullus, in the war against Perseus in 168 BC.
  • Quintus Aelius Q. f. Tubero, a jurist, praetor in 123 and consul suffectus in 118 BC.
  • Lucius Aelius Tubero, a friend and relation of Cicero.
  • Quintus Aelius L. f. Tubero, a jurist, and perhaps the same man as the consul of 11 BC.

Aelii Lamiae

  • Lucius Aelius Lamia, a man of equestrian rank, who assisted Cicero in the suppression of the second Catilinarian conspiracy. He was banished for his efforts in 58 BC, but was subsequently recalled. He supported Caesar during the Civil War, and served as aedile in 45. He was praetor elect for 43 BC, but died in unusual and tragic circumstances.
  • Lucius Aelius L. f. Lamia, a friend of Horace, was consul in AD 3. He was appointed governor of Syria by Tiberius, but never permitted to administer his province. He succeeded Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus as praefectus urbi on the latter's death in AD 32, but died the following year, and received a censor's funeral.
  • Lucius Aelius Plautius Lamia Aemilianus, consul suffectus in AD 80, during the reign of Titus. He married Domitia Longina, the daughter of Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo, but Domitian made her his mistress, and later married her, having Lamia put to death.


  • Aelia, the second wife of Sulla.
  • Publius Aelius Ligus, consul in 172 BC.
  • Lucius Aelius Stilo Praeconinus, a grammarian, and teacher of both Varro and Cicero.
  • Aelius Ligur, tribunus plebis in 57 BC, opposed the recall of Cicero, according to whom, he had assumed a surname to which he had no right.
  • Aelius Promotus, an ancient physician at Alexandria, perhaps during the 1st century BC.
  • Gaius Aelius Gallus, governor of Egypt under Augustus; he was the adoptive father of Sejanus.
  • Sextus Aelius Catus, consul in AD 4, father-in-law of Claudius
  • Aelia Paetina, second wife of the emperor Claudius.
  • Aelius Theon, a first-century sophist.
  • Aelius Catus, a commander, possibly the same as Sextus Aelius Catus.
  • Lucius Aelius Sejanus, praetorian prefect under the emperor Tiberius.
  • Publius Aelius Hadrianus Marullinus, a senator, and grandfather of Hadrian.
  • Lucius Aelius Oculatus, consul suffectus in May-June 73.
  • Publius Aelius Hadrianus Afer, a senator, and father of Hadrian.
  • Publius Aelius Hadrianus, emperor from AD 117 to 138.
  • Aelius Dionysius, a Greek rhetorician during the reign of Hadrian.
  • Lucius Aelius Caesar, Hadrian's heir, consul in AD 137.
  • Titus Aelius Hadrianus Antoninus Pius, emperor from AD 138 to 161.
  • Lucius Aelius Lamia Silvanus, married Aurelia Fadilla, the daughter of Antoninus Pius.
  • Aelius Aristides, a second-century orator.
  • Publius Aelius Fortunatus, a second-century painter.
  • Marcus Aelius Aurelius Verus Caesar, adopted son of Antoninus Pius, who became emperor as Marcus Aurelius from AD 161 to 180.
  • Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus, better known as Lucius Verus, emperor with Marcus Aurelius from AD 161 to 169.
  • Lucius Aelius Aurelius Commodus, the son of Marcus Aurelius, and emperor from AD 176 to 192.
  • Aelius Marcianus, a jurist of the early third century.
  • Marcus Aelius Aurelius Theo, governor of Arabia Petraea between 253 and 259.
  • Aelius Spartianus, a historian, and one of the authors of the Historia Augusta. He wrote lives of several emperors from Hadrian to Caracalla.
  • Aelius Donatus, a 4th-century grammarian and teacher of rhetoric.


  1. Information is accurate as of MMDCCLXXV AVC.