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The Syagrii or Syagria are one of the oldest gentes in the Imperium Romanum, having a history that goes before the founding of the Imperium, the family is currently headed by the Genspater Aulus Syagrius Tuedamus and is one of the few cases of a Genspater claiming his position over a Gens due to their descent from the original members, descending from the Syagrii from his mothers side of his family.

Ancient History

Originally, the Syagrii family were patricians of the Roman Empire, Flavius Syagrius and Afranius Syagrius both being consuls of Rome in 381 and 382 respectively, their family seats were in Autun and they were associated with the Roman province of Lugdunensis which would later on become their kingdom. It is likely that they were of Gallo-Roman or even Romano-British origins as they have in some academic theories being associated with Gorlois of Arthurian history, though if this is true or not it is still debated.

The most well known of this family is Aegidius and Syagrius, who founded the Roman rump state of Soissons and fought against Frankish and Gothic warlords before being conquered by Clovis I and becoming apart of the Frankish kingdom. Aegidius was the Magister Militum per Gallias of Majoran and held the northern reaches of Gaul against Germanic invasions, however with the death of Majoran and the rise of Ricimer Aegidius diverged from the empire, at some points threatening to invade the Italian peninsula, however due to pressure from the Visigoths he was unable to leave his lands unprotected.

He would then be succeeded by his son Syagrius who is referred to as the Rex Romanum by Germanic accounts, he held the kingdom against Gothic and Germanic incursions until the time of Clovis I where he was defeated in battle and then captured and handed over to Clovis before his execution, thus ending the kingdom of Soissons.

Beyond him, three Catholic saints; Desideratus of Verdun, Syagrius of Autun and Sigrada of Alsace were all born into this family.

Syagrii Cult

The Cult of the Syagrii refers to the worship of several figures associated with the Syagrii, this includes Aegidius and Syagrius who are referred to as the Magister Militum per Gallias and the Rex Romanum as per their ancient titles as well the gods Camulus and Camuloriga who were the gods of the Suessiones of whom the name Soissons descends from. It has also recently included the worship of Mars as an important deity of the Gentes, viewing him as a God of the original Rome.

It is currently still in development by Aulus Syagrius Tuedamus