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As was normal in the Roman Republic and Empire, and many modern nation states, organisation becomes difficult if you do not dissolve power and distribute it once you gain a large enough population. We have mimicked the solution many have used wherein we will split similar territories into different states and will give power to elected local officials to report to the central government. These divided administrations are currently called provinciae (provinces), though this name is subject to change due to negative connotations. The people controlling the power and people in these areas are called Rector Provinciae (provincial governors).

Within the Imperivm Romanvm we currently have 48 provinciae with 0 rector provinciae.

A provincia can comprise of a single country or several, or can be made up of sub-national units, such as counties or states, from a single country. The senate also has the power to appoint and replace governors who appoint the provincial administration and may sub-divide their provincia into regiones for administrative purposes as they deem it necessary.

List of Provinces[edit | edit source]

List of Provinces
Province Name Amount of Cives in Province
Actiomaris 0
Aegaeum Novum 0
America Meridiem-Orientem 6
Arabia 0
Armenia 0
Asia 0
Britannia 4
Campi Magni 3
Centralis Australia 0
Dalmatia 0
Finnia 0
Fluvium Rubrum 5
Gallia 0
Germania 1
Graecia 0
Habitatribus 0
Hibernia 2
Hispania 1
India 2
Insulae Orientales 0
Italia 0
Japonia 0
Judaea 0
Lacus Magni 12
Laudaterra 10
Lechia 0
Lituania Livoniaque 0
Mediterraneum Novum 1
Mesopotamia 0
Moesia 0
Montesaxeos 0
Nova Britannia 1
Nova Gallia 0
Occidentalis Australia 0
Orientalis Australia 0
Pannonia 1
Parthia 0
Plana Campum 0
Porta Septentrionalis 1
Raetia Noricumque 0
Ruthenia 0
Ruthenia Rubra 0
Siberia 0
Sinae Indiae 0
Sinae Magnae 0
Syria 0
Terra Multae 0
Thule 0